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The Targetworx Leadership Team 
Eddy Esworthy

This picture was taken at the 1997 Championships of the Americas in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Eddy Esworthy was a member of the USA Shooting Team from 1990 to 1998.  He participated in International Rapid Fire Pistol as well as Air Pistol. During these years he traveled all over the world representing the USA in various International competitions and World Cups.  Various International medals were won including Team Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals as well as an Individual Bronze at the 1993 World Cup USA.

Visiting ranges from all over the world while on the team gave Eddy knowledge and ideas as to how ranges can be built.  Starting the company in 1991 while in college, Eddy has kept the business relatively small and dedicated to quality products that just work for over 20 years. After taking a break from competition shooting since 1998, in 2007 Eddy became involved in local IDPA competitions. 

Lance Smith
Lance Smith

Lance Smith has been involved in shooting all his life, including enjoying Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun in recreational and competitive arenas. Lance has worked on the Targetworx team during nearly every range job the company has done. While being good with his hands, he's also great with customers.  He is a real people person.  If we do a job for you, I'm sure you will spend some time talking to him.


Cosmo was Chief Coordinator for Team & Customer Morale. He had an important duty, especially during long weeks of installations with the team far from home. Cosmo took his task seriously, enthusiastically wagging his tail wherever he was most needed. Cosmo passed in 2017, but remains a crewmember in our hearts and memories.

Tim Conrad
Tim Conrad

Tim Conrad was the designer of all of the electronic systems for Targetworx since connecting with owner Eddy Esworthy in 1989.

Tim has served as Technical Director for the NCAA Rifle Championships 2005-2010, provided technical support for Megalink Electronic target systems through 2010, served as Principal Engineer in the engineering department of the U.S. Olympic Committee Sport Science division from 1992 through 2002, was a member of the Shooting Sports Research Council, and the Chief Engineer at Chicago Laser Systems, a machine tool company, prior to his move to Colorado in 1988. 

He has designed displays and training devices for many sports, including Shooting, Swimming, Luge, Bobsled, and Speed Skating.  Tim has been a competitor in smallbore rifle for 20 years, earning one regional and two state championships.  Tim held Advanced International Coaching certification in smallbore rifle for 15 years. 

Tim has since passed but his influence remains with all of us.

Ed Esworthy
Ed Esworthy

Ed Esworthy is Eddy Esworthy's father and has owned and operated Esworthy Painting since 1970. Ed has been an avid hunter and shooter all of his life. Ed and his crew of painters are responsible many of Targetworx's painting needs.


Remington has large paws to fill as the new Chief Coordinator for Team & Customer Morale, but he is more than up to the task. He has proved himself first at a few local installations close to home. He is quite vocal in expressing his support of the crew, particularly when they run the forklift.

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    301 4th St., Box 19
    Annapolis, MD 21403
    Eddy Esworthy:
